Monday, January 19, 2009

Mama Cita 2.0

So, I attempted to resurrect my old blog today. The blog that I kept at a time where I was Mama Cita aka Ceets Ceets, and Sarah was Fine Cherry Wine. A time when Michael K first came on the scene, and licorice and rag mags fueled our fire. But to no avail. So here it is.. the new and improved. Writing this in my thirties as opposed to those questionable posts I made whilst in my confusing twenties will be easier. The focus of those posts back then were "I wonder this", "I pray this happens" and so on and so forth. Now it'll be more like "It is what it is." And it IS Caliente in its own right.

I'm still doing the damn thing. Only better.. They don't call it the Dirty Thirties for nothin'!!!!

So welcome to my blog... I hope it gives you some reading enjoyment. My first post is dedicated to Michael K of D-Listed. You will always be the Queen of Celeb Dish. Love you long time Papi!!

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