Monday, January 19, 2009

WTF happened to Joaquin Phoenix?

Joaquin the 'rapper'
Joaquin not too long ago, when he was sexy and sane.

Seriously.. what is going on with Joaquin Phoenix? Although I have always thought of him as eccentric, and I know he has suffered from addiction, this recent erratic behaviour is downright scary. He announces his retirement from acting not too long ago. He looks a hot mess with some serious bloating, hobo attire and rats' nest on his face. He looks like he has lice and bed bugs living in that ish. But now, he decides hes going to become a rapper. And worse, Casey Affleck, his brother in law, is documenting it all so he can exploit Joaquin's questionable state of mind. Talk about family support! With family like that, who needs paparazzi?

If someone doesn't get this man some help soon, I fear he may go the way of his older brother River. Joaquin is the one who made the 911 call that fateful night at the Viper Room when River overdosed on enough drugs to kill a horse. I pray for Joaquin. Hollywood doesn't need another young dead statistic.

1 comment:

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