Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I'm here at work- 3:30 a.m, bored out of my mind. In between the yawning and nodding off, I am surfing. Here's what I find.. This website called Some of the words and meanings are HILARIOUS.. Here are some of my favourites so far...

Michelle Obama. The First Lady of the 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.
Here comes Mr. President and his Obamama.

resolution rush
the rush of people who swarm the gym, and other excersise places, in the weeks after new years. usually subsides quickly
the gym's got the resolution rush, but will be clear by valentine's

anything that you keep (whether stolen or given to you) from someone's house after you've slept with them.
Laura didn't really like doing it with Chip so much, but she did nab a copy of Time Magazine with Mick Jagger on it from his house as a screwvenir.

A person who embellishes their sexcapades to sound cooler.
Guy 1: "Did Tommy tell you about his all-nighter with that hot chick from the bar last night?"
Guy 2: "Yeah right dude, he's such a pornocchio. She told me nothing happened."

crop dusting
farting while walking;
walking while farting;
i crop dusted my way down the aisle at the grocery store


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