Friday, January 30, 2009

This is the Headline of the Week?!?

Ok, so these are the pictures that have been posted on every magazine and celeb website all week. Its Jessica Simpson performing at a chili cook off. The pics are not so very flattering, and the jeans are horrendous. But in no way, is J-Simps a fatso. Sure she's put on a few since her 'Dukes of Hazard' days, but she herself admitted she was dieting and exercising like a fanatic in order to wear that bikini in the 'Boots are Made for Walking' video. (See below)
Being extremely thin is not Jessica Simpson. She is a curvy girl, and she's got great boobs and great legs. There are little girls out there reading these websites and magazine articles and think that if they are curvy or chubby, they are ugly. We, as a society, sensationalize weight gain and weight loss like its a national tragedy. I'd love to have a bod like Jess Simpson, just the way she looks right now. But I'm also happy being me, and I'm not going to look at a magazine and think we should all be carbon copies.

So I leave you with this..

Would you rather look like this- Gaunt, pale, bony and HUNGRY....

Or like this.. happy healthy and sexy?

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